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Public Records and Public Oversight

Since we began organizing against the onePULSE Foundation and the City of Orlando in 2019, we have spent thousands of dollars on public records. We have spent years analyzing these records, speaking with each other, peacefully protesting, and slowly piecing together the facts that were concealed from us by the onePULSE Foundation and the City of Orlando for years. We have kept a record of BOTH their lies and the documented facts, which we have published in the articles below. The result of this work has been numerous exposes on the shooting response, the onePULSE Foundation, and the unpermitted renovations and code violations at PULSE that hindered the escape and rescue of shooting victims/survivors. Our records, here, contain even more information that has not been covered by the news media (yet). 


  • We recognize that the onePULSE Foundation was a complete SCAM and, for us, their ongoing lies and misrepresentations constitute charity fraud. For 8 years, they falsely claimed they were on track to build a memorial and museum, never broke ground, yet continued to pay their executives 6--figure salaries. 

  • We still demand a forensic audit of the onePULSE Foundation to account for how money was actually spent, including paying friends of Board Members and Executives, and identify other conflicts of interest.

  • We recognize that the shooting would have never happened at PULSE had Barbara and Rosario Poma operated their business according to the law. This includes operating PULSE following its Conditional Use Permit (CUP), as the nightclub was only approved to be a martini bar and restaurant and it was forbidden to operate as a nightclub. This is documented in multiple public records, was denied by the Office of the Mayor, but in 2024 was CONFIRMED by the Orlando Police Department's investigation. The shooter, before finding PULSE on June 12, 2016, Googled "downtown Orlando nightclubs." Had the Pomas been operating Pulse legally as a martini bar and restaurant, as permitted, PULSE would have never shown up in his Google results. The 49 would be alive today.

  • We recognize that PULSE was NOT a safe space. It was riddled with unpermitted renovations and code violations that hindered escape and rescue. We must stop perpetuating FALSE NARRATIVES of the shooting, the nightclub, and PULSE owners Barbara and Rosario Poma.

  • We recognize that the City of Orlando was complicit and the Office of the Mayor spun the narrative, published lies, and concealed the truth for years. They continue to try to control the narrative through their unethical and revictimizing memorial process—a project that we fought to be public, but that they have made exclusionary and re-traumatizing under the facilitation of Dr. Larry Schooler. We reject this process and have advocated for the 49 families to lead. When this request was denied, we called for the unethical and harmful process to be completely abandoned. Instead, we support Osceola County's "tribute" as the only legitimate memorial. 

  • We also recognize corruption within the Office of the Mayor and numerous conflicts of interest surrounding the shooting, the coverup, and the memorial process, including manipulating the real estate market with the PULSE property sale and the adjacent property—a deal facilitated by the City Attorney Mayanne Downs between the dissolving onePULSE Foundation and Craig Mateer, who is the brother of Assistant City Attorney Jody Mateer Litchford. 


All of this information and the supporting documents can be found in the articles below. This is the section of our website that is updated frequently with new information. Even past posts are updated with new information. Just as when we started, we continue to seek justice and accountability. We have put a search bar on the top of this website to make the information better accessible. 

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