On June 13, 2024, WESH 2 News' aired a one-hour special on the Pulse shooting and its aftermath.
We are so grateful to Michelle Imperato and Nancy Alvarez for ensuring our voices were finally heard and our experiences finally validated. This is the first time that our voices were put above the public relations professionals hired by nonprofits and the City of Orlando, instead of silenced by them and their media savvy.
We encourage everyone to watch.
Barbara Poma and her representatives, the onePULSE Foundation, and the City of Orlando have clearly lied about us repeatedly and publicly. The City of Orlando continues to lie, as the other players stay silent.
We also have the answers to some of the questions posed in the hour-long special and additional information to provide to the public.
In the weeks to come, we will be writing and producing a number of responses to this television special to provide more clarification, more records, and corrections.