Dear FBI,
We, the victims’ families and survivors of the Pulse Nightclub shooting, are writing to respectfully request footage that is deeply personal to us.
On June 12, 2016, our lives were forever changed by the tragic events that unfolded at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. In the wake of this horrific incident, many questions have remained unanswered, leaving us in a state of uncertainty and anguish.
We know that you have surveillance footage from that horrific night from at least 15 CCTV cameras placed inside and outside the nightclub, and we are respectfully asking for immediate access to it. This footage is not just a collection of images; it is a vital piece of evidence that holds the truth of what happened that night. It is our right, as victims’ families and survivors, to have access to this footage.
For years, we have been left to wonder what really occurred inside the Pulse Nightclub in terms of the 3-hour long response, including with code violations and unpermitted renovations that we know hindered escape and rescue. We need to know what happened to our loved ones who were slaughtered that night, what were the circumstances surrounding their last moments, and what happened while those of us who survived were trapped, rendered unconscious, or hid during the murderous rampage and prolonged 3-hour response.
We deserve closure, and the only way to achieve this is by having access to the nightclub’s surveillance footage. We need to know the truth, and we need it now.
It’s been 8 years since the mass shooting that forever changed our lives and violently stole the lives of those we love away from us. Still, none of us have seen this footage. Neither have our legal teams or the advocates fighting for our rights. Those directly impacted by the mass shooting who do not want to see the surveillance footage are under no obligation to do so, but those of us who do should have that choice.
We urge you to release the surveillance footage to us. Transparency is essential in the healing process, and by withholding this crucial piece of evidence, the FBI is prolonging our suffering.
We are requesting transparency, justice and the truth. We really need this.
The Victims’ Families and Survivors of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting
Una carta abierta al FBI: Solicitamos respetuosamente imágenes de vigilancia del tiroteo en el club nocturno Pulse
Estimado FBI,
Nosotros, las familias de las víctimas y los sobrevivientes del tiroteo en el club nocturno Pulse, escribimos para solicitar respetuosamente imágenes que son profundamente personales para nosotros.
El 12 de junio de 2016, nuestras vidas cambiaron para siempre por los trágicos acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en el club nocturno Pulse de Orlando. A raíz de este horrible incidente, muchas preguntas siguen sin respuesta, dejándonos en un estado de incertidumbre y angustia.
Sabemos que tiene imágenes de vigilancia de esa horrible noche de al menos 15 cámaras de circuito cerrado de televisión colocadas dentro y fuera del club nocturno, y respetuosamente solicitamos acceso inmediato a ellas. Este metraje no es sólo una colección de imágenes; es una prueba vital que sostiene la verdad de lo que sucedió esa noche. Es nuestro derecho, como familiares de víctimas y sobrevivientes, tener acceso a estas imágenes.
Durante años, nos hemos preguntado qué ocurrió realmente dentro del club nocturno Pulse en términos de la respuesta de tres horas de duración, incluidas violaciones del código y renovaciones no permitidas que sabemos que obstaculizaron el escape y el rescate. Necesitamos saber qué pasó con nuestros seres queridos que fueron masacrados esa noche, cuáles fueron las circunstancias que rodearon sus últimos momentos y qué pasó mientras los que sobrevivimos quedamos atrapados, inconscientes o escondidos durante el alboroto asesino y el prolongado 3- respuesta de hora.
Merecemos el cierre, y la única manera de lograrlo es teniendo acceso a las imágenes de vigilancia del club nocturno. Necesitamos saber la verdad y la necesitamos ahora.
Han pasado 8 años desde el tiroteo masivo que cambió nuestras vidas para siempre y nos robó violentamente la vida de aquellos que amamos. Aún así, ninguno de nosotros ha visto este metraje. Tampoco lo han hecho nuestros equipos legales ni los defensores que luchan por nuestros derechos. Aquellos directamente afectados por el tiroteo masivo que no quieran ver las imágenes de vigilancia no tienen la obligación de hacerlo, pero aquellos que sí lo deseen deberían tener la opción.
Le instamos a que nos entregue las imágenes de vigilancia. La transparencia es esencial en el proceso de curación y, al ocultar esta prueba crucial, el FBI está prolongando nuestro sufrimiento.
Solicitamos transparencia, justicia y verdad. Realmente necesitamos esto.
Las familias de las víctimas y los sobrevivientes del tiroteo en el club nocturno Pulse
Joshua N. Hernandez Carrion, survivor
Marissa Delgado, survivor
Leonel Melendez, survivor
Jean C. Martinez, survivor
Keinon Carter, survivor
Michael Santos, family of the deceased
Joshua McGill, survivor
Jessenia Marquez, mother of the deceased
Kassandra Marquez, survivor
Tony Marrero, survivor
Carmen N. Capo, mother of the deceased
Goldierose Bates, survivor
Sybriena DeVoe, survivor
Brenda Campos Marquez, family of the deceased
Christine Leinonen, mother of the deceased
Maritza Gomez, survivor
Samirah Clark, survivor
Kenny O. Avila, survivor
Jose Francisco Martinez Leal, survivor
Aryam Guerrero, family of the deceased
Daniel Daltas, survivor
James Lagrega, survivor
Jillian Amador, survivor
Mario Perez, survivor
Liz Finol, survivor
Darelis Torres, survivor
Gertrudes Merced, family of the deceased
Roberto Merced, stepfather of the deceased
Racial D. Rios, family of the deceased
Juan Jose Curfino Rodriguez, survivor
Christi Wallace-Clarke, survivor
Malcolm Barraza, survivor
Joseph Morales, survivor
Carlos Chaveco, survivor
Christian Ortiz Cardona, survivor
Maricela Espinosa, survivor
Leydiana Puyarena, survivor
Olga Disla, mother of the deceased
Tommy Connelly, survivor
Kaliesha Andino, survivor
Andrea Drayton, mother of the deceased
Stanley Almodovar, Sr., father of the deceased
Stephanie Aponte, survivor
Bernadette Cruz Carrion, mother of the deceased
Alix McGill Percy, survivor
Eileen Rodriguez, survivor
Sylvia Serrano, survivor
Christopher Hansen, survivor
Luis R. Marquez, family of the deceased
Maribell Delgado, family of the deceased
Luis Angel Lopez, survivor
Luis Rodriguez, survivor
Passion Suarez, survivor
Ilka Reyes, survivor
Jose M Diaz-Ubiles, survivor
Amneris Ramos Diaz, survivor
Bernice De Jesus, family of the deceased
Yorvis Camargo, survivor
Aileen Carillo, family of the deceased
Gustavo Cueves Fernandez, family of the deceased
Digna Rosa Fernandez Viuda De Carrillo, mother of the deceased
Diuver Perez, family of the deceased
Karina, family of the deceased
Juan Carlos Fernandez, family of the deceased
Nathalie Rivas Fernandez, family of the deceased
Rodolfo Curbena, family of the deceased
Karelys del Valle Fernandez, family of the deceased
Rogelio Rivas, family of the deceased
Wladimir Jose Fernandez, family of the deceased
Devanise Figueroa, family of the deceased
Virginia Pagan, grandmother of the deceased
Lucy Aponte, family of the deceased
Ramses Aguilar, survivor
Kassandra Marquez, survivor
Jacob Mir, survivor
Pedro Cruz, grandfather of the deceased
Jose Luis Cintron, family of the deceased
Abigail Ramos, family of the deceased
Celia Ruiz, family of the deceased
Marianela Cruz, family of the deceased
Jean C. Martinez Pena, survivor
Jesus M. Ramos Morales, family of the deceased
Demetrice Naulings, survivor